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About Tarot


The fact that you’re here suggests you’re already curious, so I’ll spare you the history lesson… (though if you're interested, do explore the 'Inspo' page... Just for your own pleasure – there won't be a test!).

Rather, here is my outlook on the way Tarot functions, and why for me it’s an endlessly fascinating and powerful tool.


First off, for me Tarot isn’t about 'fortune-telling' - though it does provide amazing clarity and guidance. The cards can reveal which direction your inner compass is pointing, and asks if you're happy with that. If you could make an adjustment, would you? What would that feel like? And how would you do it?


Tarot engages our intuition and guides our attention.

It bypasses our well-trodden paths of behaviour and beliefs about ourselves – clearing the way for something altogether more helpful and authentic to come through. Maybe something fresh and new, or maybe something we've just forgotten along the way.


Tarot is a creative process. We are all creative, intuitive beings, and tarot can unlock your own innate powers of creativity and intuition. The 78 cards act like mirrors, drawing out images from within – some you might not have known were there, running in the background: showing us how we see ourselves, how we relate to others, or to the past; how we engage with the world; how we respond when things happen; what we might do to gain insight, affect change and deepen our experiences. It's a tool for storytelling, inviting us to consider what we'd like to happen next...


Tarot is an active and empowering process – your willingness is key.

It would be pointless to read for someone who didn’t want it! When you want it and let it, tarot will guide you, ground you, challenge you; it will offer routes to clarity, resolution, inspiration or transformation. And much more beyond.


Tarot is a powerful tool for self-development precisely because the future is not predetermined.

There might be something you already want to explore: a roadblock you keep coming up against, or an unhelpful cycle you can see repeating in your life. Tarot is great for unpicking those things – examining where they come from, how they manifest, and what you can do to understand or alter how things are going.


Tarot is also a great way to have a general check-in, even if there might not be something specific on your mind. Looking at your work, relationships, goals, values, desires… how things are connecting, or if you wish they could be more connected. Tarot can help identify areas for consideration or adjustment along the way.


For more details on what your tarot experience will entail, please visit - 'What to Expect'.

Text and original spreads © Tarot Circo, Rebecca Sharp 2021

Illustrations taken from the Tarot decks of Nicolas Conver (1760), Oswald Wirth (1888), Piedmontese tarot (1865), and Rider Waite Smith (1909). Other images CC & R. Sharp.

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