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Tarot Circo - Rebecca Sharp


My core practice is as a writer, which I’ve been doing professionally for over 20 years. My work has always expanded into various forms – in poetry, theatre, visual projects, performance and sound. I often work collaboratively – with a wide range of other writers, artists, musicians, composers, directors and performers; educators and facilitators; creative, cultural and community organisations.


I regularly run creative projects and workshops. Consistent throughout all my work is a desire to communicate and connect; to be curious, and to create experiences of magic and wonder. If you’d like to find about more about my other work, it’s all here: 


I first explored tarot as a teenager (as many of us do), before returning to it in earnest around 10 years ago. The sense of connection was instant, like opening a door that had been closed and quietly waiting. I wanted to learn everything I could. Soon, I couldn’t remember a time without it. I studied, took part in courses and workshops and shared experiences with others as often as possible.


I was reading mostly for myself, then for friends and finally for people I didn’t know. I gradually refined my process to the point where I was confident in what I was offering. I created Tarot Circo as a way to share my passion for what I believe is an incredibly powerful tool, while also exploring things like circular economy and collaboration (see 'KindePay'); bringing creativity and magic back into our everyday awareness.


With my background and ongoing practice as a writer and artist, I offer a process that is infused with creative spirit – intuitive, inquisitive, challenging, empowering, inspiring and transformative.



Text and original spreads © Tarot Circo, Rebecca Sharp 2021

Illustrations taken from the Tarot decks of Nicolas Conver (1760), Oswald Wirth (1888), Piedmontese tarot (1865), and Rider Waite Smith (1909). Other images CC & R. Sharp.

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